Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer
42-49: Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer. Author: Tim Hartnell. Publisher: Ballantine, 1984. ISBN: 0345318838. Publisher series no: 450. Book ID: 2628. 196 pages. 42:49
Book 2628 on
Series 450 on
42-49 Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer - Ex1 - a simple five-room environment.txt
Graph Edge List Data Log Graphviz (DOT/.gv) Trivial Graph Format (yEd/.tgf)
42-49 Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer - Ex2 - Werewolves and Wanderer (paper).txt
Graph Edge List Data Log Graphviz (DOT/.gv) Trivial Graph Format (yEd/.tgf)
42-49 Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer - Ex3 - Werewolves and Wanderer (computer).txt
Graph Edge List Data Log Graphviz (DOT/.gv) Trivial Graph Format (yEd/.tgf)
42-49 Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer - Ex4 - The Asimovian Disaster.txt
Graph Edge List Data Log Graphviz (DOT/.gv) Trivial Graph Format (yEd/.tgf)
42-49 Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer - Ex5 - The Citidel of Pershu.txt
Graph Edge List Data Log Graphviz (DOT/.gv) Trivial Graph Format (yEd/.tgf)
42-49 Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer - Ex6 - Chateau Gaillard.txt
Graph Edge List Data Log Graphviz (DOT/.gv) Trivial Graph Format (yEd/.tgf)
42-49 Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer.txt
Graph Edge List Data Log Graphviz (DOT/.gv) Trivial Graph Format (yEd/.tgf)